Try Dives
Do you want to try scuba diving for the first time? A try dive is your chance to breathe underwater and enjoy that weightless feeling.
All try dives are conducted in the safe and comfortable environment of the Scarborough Sports Village swimming pool, where you will be taught 1 to 1 with an experienced instructor. You'll be taught underwater signals, how to move around and control your buoyancy.
Is there a minimum age?
To ensure equipment fits comfortably, you need to be at least 12 years of age to join us for a try dive. For those under 12, we can organise a try snorkel experience for £10.
After your try dive or snorkel, you will also recieve a voucher to join in one of our friendly octopush (underwater hockey) games for free - it's usually £5!
What does it cost?
We charge just £20 for one hour of one to one instruction and all the necessary equipment.

What do I need to bring with me?
Normal swimwear
A t-shirt you don't mind getting wet, or a rashguard. This makes wearing the equipment more comfortable
Medical concerns
Almost anyone can take part in a try dive, but please check the BSAC medical and responsibility declaration form before booking, to be sure you are fit to dive. You will need to complete this form before your try dive.
Try Dive Request Form
If you would like to arrange a try dive, please fill in the form below, and our club secretary will contact you.
Information is treated privately and not shared with anybody outside of the club committee or training team. If you have a medical condition and do not wish to mention on the form for personal reasons, please inform the training co-ordinator or Dive Officer before commencing the try dive.